The third booster dose is from the Astra Zeneca Pharmaceutical.
(MÉRIDA, YUC – SSY).- Next Tuesday, February 15, the booster vaccination of people between 30 and 39 years of age will begin in Mérida and the doses will only be applied in two macrocenters of the city.
These are the one located in the Yucatán Siglo XXI Convention Center, and in the Kukulcán sports unit, and all people in that age range will have to present their reinforcement request certificate that can be downloaded on the page mivacuna.salud.gob .mx .
According to what was reported, vaccination will be carried out as follows:
-February 15, people of that age range born in January and February.
-February 16, people born in March and April.
-February 17, people born in May and June.
-February 18, people born in July and August.
-February 19, people born in September and October.
-February 20, people born in November and December.
As always, those who are going to apply this third booster dose are asked to take the necessary measures, in order to avoid the spread of contagion, and to carry both the printed certificate and identification.

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