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Mérida joins “COP26 Net Zero Challenges”

by Yucatan Times
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This project will be divided into an initial phase of rapprochement with the interested cities, the elaboration of the Zero-Net profiles, which includes the revision of the final document with the support of a British university, establishing the commitment and sustainability of the interested parties and the dissemination of the agreements.

(MERIDA, YUC. –  MERIDA CITY COUNCIL).- Through the integration of Merida to the regional project “COP26 Net Zero Challenges” in Latin America in conjunction with the European community, a sustainable Municipality is built with the implementation of strategies that seek to combat climate change and the care and preservation of natural resources, Mayor Renán Barrera Concha reported in a bulletin.

In recent days, the mayor received the letter of commitment and invitation to participate in this project promoted by Connected Places Catapult called “COP26 Net Zero Challenges” in Latin America, which for its development selected a group of 20 Latin American SMEs and 15 from the United Kingdom. Kingdom that showcased their solutions at COP-26 and are also building equitable partnerships to address climate-related challenges.

“This specific proposal aims to ensure that the Mexican cities of Guadalajara, Monterrey and Mérida can be included in the activities that are being carried out in the fight against climate change, with the clear objective of solving local problems related to climate. after COP26, and to achieve this we are establishing synergies between the United Kingdom and Mexico”, he said.

Barrera Concha explained that this project considers, in its initial stage, the use of the “City Typologies” tool that will allow the development of Zero-Net profiles for the three selected Mexican cities, the results of which will serve as the basis for developing specific strategies for each locality.


“Currently, the profile of Mérida is being created, for which those responsible for the project are interviewing the officials involved in sustainable development and the delivery of our climate commitments. Later, we will involve other actors such as associations and business chambers to work together to achieve our goals”, he indicated.

This approach, he pointed out, will be added to the strategic alliances that the Municipality has internationally on issues of climate action, green infrastructure and sustainability, such as participation in ICLEI, local governments for sustainability.

There Mérida is part of the board of directors with the position of Vice President, in addition to reporting on its Disclosure Insight Action platform the measurements of environmental data such as greenhouse gas emissions and climate risks.

In addition, Mérida participates in the Cities Challenge of the World Wide Fund for Nature WWF We Love Cities, which is a biannual challenge, designed to mobilize climate action in cities in order to limit and stop the rise in the average temperature of the planet. .

Another link is the application of the digital tool FutureproofedCities, which helps cities collaborate with their work teams and citizens to develop, establish and monitor the Climate Action Plan, in accordance with the parameters of the Paris Agreement and the benefits more broad for society linked to the Sustainable Development Goals.

In conjunction with the WRI initiative called Cities4Forest, Mérida receives support to better conserve, manage and restore its trees, through technical assistance to align local policies, knowledge exchange and learning among them.

The City Council works together with the German Cooperation for Sustainable Development (GIZ), Fab City Yucatán A.C. and the State government to improve the use and consumption of energy, as well as energy efficiency at the municipal level, through learning networks for the implementation of Energy Management Systems (SGEn) in Municipalities.

With Race to Zero, we work to reach zero net carbon emissions by 2050, in addition to participating in forums where topics such as steps to follow for Municipal and Metropolitan governments are discussed, panel discussions in which actions were discussed climate measures that are being implemented in the municipality, as well as the challenges and opportunities to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

With the International Finance Corporation (IFC), through the World Bank, initiatives related to incentives for the promotion of sustainable buildings are promoted, as well as the EDGE certification (software application), sustainable construction certification systems at an international level, among others.

In terms of energy use, different strategies have been implemented, such as the use of clean technologies for public lighting, the use of low energy consumption lights, the placement of solar panels in 99 administrative buildings and tax incentives for homes and businesses that have solar panels and green roofs.

In the forestry sector, there is the Municipal Green Infrastructure Plan, where the forestry crusade has been carried out and through the adopt a tree program, more than 127 thousand trees were planted from September 2018 to December 31, 2021.

Urban drainage systems have been implemented in the western area of ​​the city, this in order to take advantage of the water from the rains and prevent flooding.

Finally, in waste management, the Green Point Program is part of the Zero Waste Strategy of the Mérida City Council, focused on promoting the culture of separation, recycling and the correct disposal of household waste, promoting the circular economy of households materials used on a daily basis by the population, concludes the bulletin.


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