State government repaves another 10 kilometers of Mérida´s Periférico

(Photo: Yucatan ahora)

Mérida, Yucatán, (December 8, 2021).-For safer and more efficient mobility of Yucatecan families, the Yucatán Highway Infrastructure Institute (Incay) carries out resurfacing work on another 10 critical kilometers of the Mérida´s Peripheral Ring, which will add more than 23 kilometers of that important artery intervened by the current state administration, however, that it is a federal route.

It should be remembered that as part of the Joint Program for the Improvement of Mobility and Road Infrastructure, promoted by the State Government, 13.5 critical kilometers of the Peripheral Ring of this capital were recently attended to, which meant an urgent need.

Regarding the works that are currently being carried out, the Incay reported that another 10.3 kilometers of this important road in the Yucatecan capital will be repaved, in which 4.5 km of the inner body and 5.8 km of the outer body will be improved through an investment of 38 million pesos.

(Photo: Yucatan ahora)

Initially, the works are being carried out on the section that begins at kilometer 7 + 400 after the pedestrian overpass at kilometer 9 + 200, 100 meters before going up to the X’matkuil vehicular overpass.

The section that starts from kilometer 9 + 800 before the descent ramp of the X’matkuil vehicle overpass to kilometer 11 + 250, in front of the Slakami wineries, is also being intervened.

Other sections that will be intervened as part of these works are: in the southern area of ​​the outer body of the Periférico, from kilometer 11 + 750 at the entrance to 42 South to kilometer 13 + 150, 50 meters before the ramp at the entrance to Mulchechén.

Likewise, from kilometer 48 + 500 in front of the PCC Airfoils company to kilometer 49 + 500 under the Umán vehicular underpass. Finally, from kilometer 48 + 500 to 0 + 150 in front of the Police Academy.

(Photo: Yucatan ahora)

As for the northern part of the inner body of the road, the sections of kilometer 38 + 100, in front of the antique store “Anacronía”, at kilometer 36 + 900, next to the “Papelería del Ahorro” shopping center. 

Also from kilometer 30 + 500, at the entrance to the Temozón Norte police station, at kilometer 28 + 900, in front of the City Center shopping plaza and kilometer 27 + 640, 200 meters from the Orión Tower, to the kilometer 25 + 940, after the Gulf de Montecarlo gas station.

The state government explained that the work carried out consists of milling, re-leveling, placement of a concrete folder and signs.

TYT Newsroom

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