Avocado, the most popular Mexican fruit in the world.
There are several cities that have hung the badge of being the “Avocado Capital of the World” but here we tell you who wins the title.
November 22, 2021.- The best-selling tropical fruit in the world by 2030 will be avocado, also known as green gold due to its high international demand, although it is already cultivated in many parts of the globe Mexico is its main producer and exporter, it is even expected that for the year 2030 increase your annual production 5.2%.
The 400 varieties that exist around the world translate into 5,575,358 tons of avocado per year, of which Mexico participates with 1,889,354 tons, in addition, our green gold is present in 16 markets; In other words, Mexico is the king of avocado, but where is the most produced?

Jalisco and the State of Mexico are the main producers, but Michoacán is the state that has made avocado one of the main export products of our country, bringing to every corner of the planet the fruit that is considered a superfood, a fact that It increased its consumption in diets with a “healthy” profile and even for cosmetic use, although its most popular presentation is definitely guacamole.
But to be precise, the same amount of avocado is not produced in all of Michoacán, there are areas where the meadows have been painted green just because of the large number of trees, the municipalities of Uruapan and Tancítaro are the ones that dispute the precious place that Mexico has placed so high in the international market, each one has their reasons to be worthy of being called “The Avocado Capital of the World”
Uruapan, Michoacán
Just because of its name, Uruapan is worthy of being called the capital of green gold, since Uruapan means “the place where everything flourishes”, but according to the neighboring municipality, this is not the case. The largest city in Michoacán is distinguished by its multiple fruit fields that grow around the Cupatitzio river, “the river that sings”, it was the city of rest for the Purépecha nobility.
That fruit paradise is presented to locals and strangers as “The capital of avocado” for having 12,000 hectares of green gold cultivation, land that provides 144 tons and 610 kilos, an amount that is certified for export.
Tancítaro, Michoacán
Just fifteen minutes from Uruapan is Tancítaro, a pre-Hispanic tributary that, like Uruapan, is sheltered by the mountains and the hot land, the propitious place for the production of the creamiest avocados, the Hass avocado of which has a production of 200 thousand tons per season and a total export that makes it, they say, the true “avocado capital of the world”, because it also has the Guinness Record for the largest guacamole in the world, whose weight is 2,692 kilograms that was made in 34 minutes.

The capital of avocado
Uruapan and Tancítaro are not the only Michoacan municipalities that are adorned with avocado trees, but without a doubt, their production far exceeds everyone in this world; Uruapan is the one that produces the most, but Tancítaro is a town that in addition to having its Guinness Record is dedicated in the soul, “in tribute”, to the creamiest and most resistant of fruits that, due to their high demand, are ripened in heat chambers. Even after this process, they are refrigerated and packaged for export, regardless of their destination, they always arrive in perfect condition.
Even when it comes in different presentations as we have already said, guacamole is the preferred one because it is the favorite presentation of Americans who achieve the highest consumption of avocado just on the date of the Super Bowl where it is consumed in the company of some nachos, or some tortilla chips, but even the rest of the year, the United States monopolizes 90% of the production, making it the main customer, followed by Japan.

And then, which is the municipality that should mount a tarp on the gates of its city with the nickname “The Avocado Capital of the World”? Would it be to overlook that there is an entire area that beyond the geographical lines is avocado, especially from the colony? But both cities make it possible for green gold to even take an important place in other world markets, as well as the market for stuffed animals, bags, dolls, and other wonders that we love.
Source: MX City
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