3 cases of dengue and 2 of influenza have been registered so far this year in Yucatan

Mexico launches dengue vaccine developed by Sanofi. (PHOTO: gogreener12.org)

With the confirmation of a new case this week, there are already three dengue cases in Yucatán reported so far in this 2021.

MERIDA, Yucatán, (November 29, 2021).- With the confirmation of a new case this week, there are now three of dengue cases in Yucatan reported so far this 2021. 

In the Peninsula, dengue appeared in mid-March, specifically in epidemiological week 15, in Campeche. 

In week 19 (in mid-May) the first case was detected in Yucatán, and later in week 20, Quintana Roo confirmed its first infection. 

The first case in Yucatán was registered in Progreso and corresponded to a woman, while the second infected was detected in Mérida, in this case it was a man. 

New case this week

This week the third case was confirmed, also in the Yucatecan capital. The gender of this contagion was not specified. 

To prevent the spread of the dengue virus, the Yucatan Health Secretariat (SSY) continues with permanent fumigation efforts to control the vector, the Aedes aegypti fly. 

Two cases of influenza in Yucatán

Seven weeks after the start of the 2021-2022 seasonal influenza season, the federal Ministry of Health confirmed the first two cases in Yucatán, with which this virus is already circulating together with SARS-Cov-2, which causes Covid. 

In 2020, at the same cutoff (epidemiological week 47), there were still no confirmed cases of influenza in the entity. 

The two positive cases correspond to the AH3N2 subtype, which is the predominant strain so far, present in most infections. 

As of November 25, data from the Epidemiological Surveillance System of Viral Respiratory Disease of the Ministry of Health reveal that a total of 5 thousand 864 cases of Influenza Type Illness / Serious Acute Respiratory Infection (ETI / IRAG) have been treated in the entity ), considered suspicious of the condition.

Source: Sipse

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