Spectacular Blood Moon will be visible in Yucatan on October 20th

Photo: (Sipse)

MÉRIDA, Yucatán, (October 16, 2021).- The dates to remember the faithful departed are getting closer and closer and an astronomical event that precedes these traditions is the so-called Blood Moon, which can be seen in Yucatán this Wednesday, October 20th.

It is an amazing full Moon, in which our satellite takes on beautiful bright and reddish tones that make it characteristic of these dates.

What is the Blood Moon?

Although the term ‘Blood Moon’ is usually used when the Earth interposes between the Sun and the Moon, projecting a shadow that obscures our satellite during an eclipse, in the case of the full moon of this October 20, it acquires this name by the reddish hue of the full moons this month due to particles of dust, smoke or fog in the sky.

That night, the Moon will appear to be larger and brighter than normal, in what will be one of the most beautiful full moons of the entire year.

At what time can the Blood Moon be seen in Yucatan?

The best of all is that to see the full moon it will be enough to turn your gaze to the sky. You can enjoy the phenomenon in all its splendor throughout the night of October 20 and until dawn on the 21st, after the Sun sets on the horizon.

Source: Sipse

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