They warn that work overload generates physical and emotional problems for women in Yucatan.
MERIDA, Yucatan, (October 15, 2021).- The arrival of pandemic Covid increased to triple the workload of women, as they are forced to divide their time between the tasks of the home, outstanding work, and the care and attention of their family, which is reflected in more cases of stress and depression in Yucatán, specialists warned.
During the discussion “Triple workdays and mental health”, held within the framework of the Second Week of Mental Health, organized by the UADY, topics were addressed on the different activities in which women participate, mainly those associated with compliance working hours, domestic work, parenting, family care, among others, that cause physical and mental problems.
Work overload for women
At the meeting, Rocío Quintal López, a member of the UADY’s Centro “Dr. Hideyo Noguchi ”, mentioned that this situation, far from being a problem that only concerns women, should be the reason for public policies that take charge of the problem and assume a position of social responsibility.
“Historically and culturally, there has been a path of gender socialization, in which we have been taught a sexual division of labor, where private space and care for others falls on women, and for a long time this was invisible and some things were just taken for granted”, she emphasized.

Some of the consequences of all demands are, on the one hand, the triple shift, which is the women in charge of the administration of schoolwork, adding to the domestic and work burden, she said.
“On the other hand, there are women mothers, who in addition to having this overload of teaching tasks that were previously protected and directed at school, have the responsibility of the emotional containment of childhood, that is to say, that today more than ever girls and children without social contact need emotional support ”, she explained.
Unsustainable situation
In Quintal López’s opinion, this is an almost unsustainable situation that deserves modifications that start from the State and from the labor market.
In her turn, Diana Vergara Rangel, on behalf of the Women’s Secretariat, pointed out that with the closure of schools and nurseries, which used to be a help, women had to teach and supervise homework and classes of their children while they carry out more activities, which for some has been good, but for others, it has been difficult, since it has reduced their spaces for participation in the labor market.
Finally, the representative of the College of Psychologists of the State of Yucatán, Andrea Lozada Ríos, reflected on the actions that pay in the equal distribution of tasks and activities for better mental health and avoid these triple workdays, among them are addressing the problem from a social perspective, apply deferred days and departures agreed from the companies.
Source: Sipse
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