Mérida, Yucatán, (October 02, 2021) .- Health care and disease prevention is a priority line for the Mérida City Council and, in this context, efforts are being made to offer the entire population, especially women, accessible and quality health services.
In this sense, and in commemoration of the International Day to Fight Breast Cancer instituted on October 19, the City Council through the Health and Social Welfare Directorate has scheduled various activities to raise awareness about the importance of prevention and timely detection. cancer.
In this program of activities, it was contemplated that from this Friday, October 1, the Municipal Palace and the Monument to the Fatherland light up in pink as a sign of solidarity and commitment to Merida women who have died or are fighting against this disease.
The lighting of the Municipal Palace was presided over by the Director of Health and Social Welfare, Ildefonso Machado Domínguez, on behalf of Mayor Renán Barrera. Along with the official were the councilors María Fernanda Vivas Sierra and María Gabriela Baqueiro Valencia, president and member of the Health and Ecology Commission respectively; the head of Development of Women in Communities with a Gender Perspective of the Institute for Women, Reina Contreras Canto and María Eugenia Marín Vázquez, president of AMMEYUC and Counselor of the ‘Tócate’ Foundation.

In his message, the municipal health director explained that the objective of this act is to make visible the importance of the permanent fight to prevent Breast Cancer, and to remember those who suffer from it or have lost their lives because of this disease.
“It is about creating awareness in Yucatecan and Merida society so as not to lower their guard and encourage women to do self-examination and mammography, in order to detect the disease in time,” he emphasized.
The program of activities that will be disseminated through the City Council’s social networks covers the whole month and seeks to offer the inhabitants of Mérida and its communities, the opportunity to do it free of charge, tests and detection studies that allow treatment on time for any wrong.
The activities contemplated are: from Monday 04 to Friday October 15, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Free mammograms in the Mobile Unit that will be located in the Molas community (Calle 21 x 22 y 22 A, Molas). The requirements for the study are to be between 40 and 69 years old, to come freshly bathed and not to use deodorant, talcum powder or perfume; with the armpit freshly shaved. The use of face mask is mandatory and it is requested not to attend if there is a cough, fever or any symptoms of Covid -19. This same service will be offered from Monday, October 18 to Friday, October 29, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Madre Teresa de Calcuta park (59 x 80 and 82 Caucel City streets).
On Tuesdays, October 5, 12, 19 and 26, at 11:00 am; Self-exploration workshops will be offered at the Women’s Medical Attention Center, located at Calle 88 # 311 D x 141 and 143 Emiliano Zapata Sur I. On Monday morning, October 11, in the same Center, in collaboration with Enamora Mérida and the municipal youth team, a commemorative fence will be painted, with the theme of self-care.
On Monday, October 18, at 7:00 pm, there will be a virtual talk about Breast Cancer, called “Breaking taboos on Mammography.” It will be through the Facebook of Mérida Saludable and the importance of timely detection will be addressed.
On Tuesday, October 19, International Day of the Fight against Breast Cancer, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Mother Teresa Park of Calcutta (59 x 80 and 82 Caucel City streets), there will be a Health Fair , with free services of mammography, glucose, weight and blood pressure, bone densitometry, nutrition and psychology tables and breast self-examination workshop.
Throughout the month Papanicolaou tests will be done at no cost at the Women’s Medical Attention Center, Calle 88 # 311 D between 141 and 143 Emiliano Zapata Sur I neighborhood. Interested persons can schedule their appointment by calling 9994 296653.
Source: Yucatan ahora
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