Kanasín, Yucatan, (October 19, 2021).- Ximena and Victoria Jiménez Quiñones, through the support of the MicroYuc Emprendedores program, made their production of powdered honey more efficient, they were able to strengthen their company and also support Yucatecan beekeepers to face the complications that the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) represented.
Mauricio Vila Dosal came to the marketer, operator, and producer Chujuk Enjambre, a business owned by the sisters Ximena and Victoria, located in Teya, a community of Kanasín to learn about the process of making powdered honey and how the state government’s support for them has allowed the consolidation of its project, which benefits beekeepers in the municipalities of Abalá, Chikindzonot, Homún, Acanceh, Timucuy, and Tahmek.
As part of this commitment to state entrepreneurs, Chujuk Enjambre has received support for more than 107 thousand pesos, through MicroYuc Emprendedores, in 2019, they received a credit of more than 82 thousand pesos for the acquisition of a mixer and supplies to boost their production and, in 2020, through the Business Activation scheme they obtained support for almost 25 thousand pesos, which helped them cope with the impact of the pandemic.

During the visit to Vila Dosal, the Jiménez Quiñones sisters highlighted that these supports were essential to get to the point where this business is located since little by little it has been consolidating and opening its way to new markets outside the country, since, Through electronic commerce, its products have crossed borders, reaching places in the United States such as Chicago, Miami, California, and New York.
For her part, Ximena pointed out that, thanks to the good response that the market has given to this product, they currently have four employees, including administrative and production personnel, who are originally from Mérida, Kanasín, and Progreso.

In their tour by the facilities of the production center of this firm, the entrepreneurs reported that this business began in 2015 as a school project where they developed a prototype to, through technological processes, give honey a value, obtaining as a result: powdered honey, a sweetener of natural origin, healthy and with the same properties as liquid honey.
Now, they have points of sale in Mérida, Cancun, San Luis Potosí, and Monterrey; an online store with shipments throughout the Republic and through the Amazon platform they have entered the United States market.

Currently, Chujuk Enjambre has trademark registration, industrial secret, and permission from the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks. Likewise, their entry into the markets of Canada, South Korea, and Spain is about to be completed.
During his visit, Vila Dosal was visiting the different areas of the Chujuk Enjambre production workshop as well as got to know the facilities and what is done in the packaging and raw material, mixing, drying, and packaging areas.
Source: La Jornada Maya
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