For the third consecutive day, Yucatan reports the lowest number of Covid-19 infections

(Photo: Yucatan ahora)

Mérida, Yucatán, (October 26, 2021) .- In the State, the notable decrease in Covid-19 infections continues, and for the third consecutive day, October 24th registered the lowest figure in the daily incidence of contagion in just over five months, reported the Yucatan Health Secretariat (SSY).

The same happened with the number of occupied beds, which reached 100, the lowest figure since last June, but not yet double digits.

According to the daily technical statement of the SSY, today there were 75 confirmed cases of Covid-19, distributed in seven Yucatán municipalities, as well as five deaths, whose deceased were originally from Mérida, Kanasín, Tekax, Tizimín, and Umán.

Therefore, it is the lowest figure in the daily incidence of infected in 159 days, since on May 18 there were 60 cases.

Of the total cases, 69 were from Mérida, and the rest, from Hoctún, Kanasín, Oxkutzcab, Progreso, Teabo and Tekax.

So far this month, there have already been 4,647 confirmed cases, with a daily average of 186 infected, and October is in seventh place in the monthly table.

(Photo: Yucatan Ahora)

While with regard to deaths, there are already 292 deceased, with a daily average of 12 deceased, and October is in tenth place in the monthly table.

According to statistics, the minimum was today, with five deaths, when the previous figure was six, which occurred on Sunday 25.

Likewise, the highest figure for the month was 16 deaths and was recorded on three dates, while the mode is 15, as it is repeated five times.

Source: SSY

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