Home Business-new Construction and housing development accelerates the recovery of Yucatán

Construction and housing development accelerates the recovery of Yucatán

by Yucatan Times
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MÉRIDA, Yucatán, (October 15, 2021).- The housing construction and development sector will accelerate the economic recovery of Yucatán in the third quarter of the year, in which private investment will be essential in the generation of wealth and the recovery of employment.

In the framework of the inauguration of the Housing Expo, the National Chamber of the Housing Developers Industry (Canadevi) highlighted that the construction sector represents 11.2 percent of the Yucatecan GDP, which is generated almost entirely by companies private companies that are betting on closing this year by placing some 5,000 homes ranging from 380,000 to 4 million pesos.

The president of the Canadevi, Eduardo Ancona Cámara, stressed that this event is the first to be held in person for more than 18 months, with which it is intended to recover successfully and in a healthy way the pre-pandemic levels of the Yucatecan economy.

Invitan a la Expo Vivienda en modo presencial del 14 al 17 de octubre –  Yucatán a la mano

“It is time to continue with vigor and strength, it is time to work hard to lift up our companies and sources of employment so that everyone’s economy can little by little resume its course. With this objective in mind, we started the Housing Expo today (yesterday) to promote activity in the last quarter of the year, becoming the first local expo-type event to be held with the call open to the entire population ”, he pointed out.

Before the representative of the governor, Mauricio Vila Dosal, the director of the Ivey, Carlos Viñas Heredia, the mayor of Mérida, Renán Barrera Concha, and the president of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE), Eduardo Alvarado Mujica, Ancona Chamber pointed out that from the sector the economic reactivation of Yucatan is being promoted and work is also being done on the regeneration of employment.

“We have very positive expectations, in the sample attendees will find 80 housing developments and will offer about 5 thousand properties in different modalities or types such as houses with 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms of one floor or two floors, apartments townhouses, residences in private, residential lots and also with a very wide range of values ​​that go from 380 thousand pesos to more than 4 million pesos “, he pointed out.

For his part, the president of the CCE, Eduardo Alvarado Mujica, pointed out that “the construction sector, and in particular the housing sector, are the detonators of the Yucatecan and regional economy, whose source of resources is primarily private, which means that the Government does not need to make large investments in this area, freeing up these resources for the other needs of the State and its population, ” he said.

Source: Sipse

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