A librarian from Xocén, Yucatán will represent Mexico at an international congress

Via: Sipse

Natalio Noh Ku will present his work to safeguard Mayan texts.

MÉRIDA, Yucatan, (October 01, 2021).- A native from Xocén, Natalio Noh Ku, promoter and head of the “Doctor Víctor Flores Olea” community library of Xocén, in Valladolid, will be the voice of Mexico at the Congress of the Ibero-American Year of Libraries.

“This event is of great transcendence because it is the participation of the indigenous people of Mexico, of all Mexico indigenous peoples. It is important for me to represent my country, proudly being Mayan,” he said.

At the event, he continued, we will discuss all the activities we carry out in the indigenous libraries, how we have carried them out here in Xocén, and how we, the indigenous librarians, do this work to involve the community,” Noh Ku said.

In Xocén the literary and cultural heritage of the first Mayas is still alive, largely because of the work of preserving texts, a task that Natalio has made his own for more than 20 years.

The young man preserves in books the oral tradition and teachings of his ancestors, to maintain the legacy of his place of origin, catalogued as sacred, for housing the Holy Cross of stone.

He will share these experiences in this meeting, before representatives from 10 countries, on October 19, 20 and 21 virtually, with transmission on Iberbibliotecas’ social networks. Natalio will participate on Wednesday, October 20 at 11:30 am.

TYT Newsroom

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