Representatives points out that citizens are unaware of the initiatives on this situation in the state
Merida, Yucatan, (September 28, 2021).- With an open microphone and an invitation to all citizens, the premises of the Honorable Congress of the State of Yucatan this Monday 27, witnessed the first dialogue table to learn about the needs and concerns of the Yucatecan citizens.
Vida Gómez Herrera, a local representative for the Movimiento Ciudadadano political party, convenor of this open parliament, began by highlighting that this openness to dialogue is so that citizens can influence Congress and the daily problems they know can be addressed from that vision of society.
It recognizes as common the ignorance of people about how the initiatives and laws that flow in Congress benefit them, therefore, it looks to this open parliament as a space to make an analysis about the situation in Yucatan.
What is in the Law and is not fulfilled? What is not yet in the Law ?, are the questions on which he started to open the microphone to the citizens present, expressing that this opportunity “means listening, it means reminding the executive and judicial powers every day of a call for what is happening in Yucatán ”.
She assured that they will take their requests to the development of initiatives in the hands of the citizens. “It is about a permanent construction […] If we want a better Yucatán, there is only one way: to work as a team”.
At the end of the representative’s words, the citizen Maricarmen Gil Souza took the floor to say that, in her work with Yucatecan adults, she has realized that those who come to her consultation are actually childish, the reflection of their childhoods.

In order to contribute to a better society, she proposed to change the way of educating, since she finds that current education is obsolete and it is necessary to move from providing data and information to minors, to equip them with life skills.
Also, Jaime Chan Moreno, who stated that he lives with a disability, asked to speak to extend his vision, making it visible that the Yucatan health system is not designed to address disability.
He suggested that the General Law stipulate that there be not only one day of rest but two for people with disabilities, fathers, mothers, and relatives who attend to the disability so that they can attend to their psychological needs.
And, although in general terms, they mentioned the importance of going to therapy, the psychologist Wendy Alcocer Sánchez regretted that currently, only some people can have access to it.
“Mental health should not be a luxury, only available for those who can pay for therapy because there is the right to health care and someone who does not have mental health, does not have health,” she said.
On this, the 17-year-old adolescent Mariana Domínguez showed her agreement when it was her turn, as she stressed that adolescents often experience problems with emotional stability and cannot attend a consultation because they do not have the resources.
Other participants expressed their concerns about the lack of attention to mental health in the State, culminating from the perspective of Salomé Sansores in that “today the elephant in the room is suicide in Yucatán, the suicide as a result of poor emotional health care. Although the Mental Health Law entered into force in 2018 in Yucatan, the public policies for suicide prevention are not known, nor has the State Mental Health Council been created, both obligations of the government ”.
Source: La Jornada Maya
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