MÉRIDA, Yucatan, (September 04, 2021).- Health authorities reported that 151 new infections were added on this day , in addition to 30 unfortunate deaths from Covid-19 in Yucatán.
Covid-19 cases in Yucatán
- 12,440 are positive . 134 of the cases are from another country or state.
- 9,850 have already recovered , do not present symptoms and cannot be contagious.
- 480 patients are stable and isolated at home. And that medical staff constantly monitor them. They have mild symptoms.
- 4,041 cases of sentinel surveillance.
- 519 are hospitalized and in total isolation.
- 27,952 suspected cases.
- The age range is from one month to 98 years.
Yucatán registers 1,591 deaths so far.
New infections:
- 82 in Merida
- 14 in Valladolid
- 10 in Ticul
- 8 in Tizimín
- 6 in Tekax
- 2 in Chumayel, Kanasín, Muna, Progreso, Temozón, Umán and foreigners
- 1 in Abalá, Acanceh, Akil, Cacalchén, Cuncunul, Dzan, Halachado, Oxkutzcab, Peto, Río Lagartos, Santa Elena, Teabo, Tixméuac, Tunkás, Tzucacab, Ucú, and Yaxkukul municipalities.

The municipalities of Yucatán with the highest number of infected people are: (accumulated cases as of August 13):
- Merida, with 6,804
- Valladolid, 912
- Ticul, 545
- Uman, 404
- Kanasín, 372
- Tizimin, 276
- Tekax, 261
- Progreso, 218
- Temozón, 166
- Motul, 124
- Hunucma, 123
- Izamal, 90
- Peto, 89
- Maxcanú, 77
- Acanceh and Oxkutzcab with 68
- Chemax, 63
- Buctzotz, 62
- Tixkokob, 52, and
- Tecoh, 51.
Specifically, in Mérida, 6,802 people infected with coronavirus (accumulated cases to August 13) have been diagnosed , living in:
- 1,667 in the North zone
- 1,869 in the East zone
- 704 in the downtown area
- 1,080 in the South zone
- 1,482 in the Poniente area
The Mérida neighborhoods with the most infections are: (cases diagnosed in the last 14 days):
- Centro, with 47
- Ciudad Caucel, 40
- Juan Pablo II, 30
- Francisco de Montejo, 25
- Tixcacal Opichén, 22
- Chuburná and Las Américas with 20
- The Heroes and Poligono 108 with 18
- Yucalpetén, 17
- Mulsay, 16
- Manuel Avila Camacho, 13
- Pensiones, 12
- Cinco Colonias and Vergel with 11
- Miraflores, Cordemex, Francisco I. Madero and Industrial with 10
- Emiliano Zapata Oriente, 9.
Data on those who died from Covid-19 in Yucatán
They were 23 men 7 women, with an age range of 27 to 84 years.
1.- 71-year-old female from Mérida. Heart disease / HAS
2.- 58-year-old male from Izamal. Without comorbidities
3.- Male 57 years old from Valladolid. DM
4.- 52-year-old female from Mérida. Without comorbidities
5.- Male 79 years of Dzemul. Dementia / Alcoholism
6.- 46-year-old female from Mérida. Without comorbidities
7.- Male 57 years old from Mérida. Obesity
8.- 35-year-old male from Mérida. IRC
9.- Male 27 years old from Mérida. No comorbidities
10.- Male 66 years old from Mérida.DM
11.- Female 82 years of Mérida. SAH / Hypothyroidism / DM
12.- 53-year-old male from Umán. DM
13.- Male 66 years old from Mérida. Without comorbidities
14.- 67-year-old female from Umán. HAS / DM
15.- Male 50 years old from Mérida. Obesity
16. 52-year-old male from Río Lagartos . DM
17.- Male 67 years old from Mérida. Immunosuppression / DM
18.- Male 82 years old from Acanceh. HAS
19.- Male 68 years old from Kanasín. DM
20.- Male 40 years old from Mérida. HAS / DM
21.- Male 65 years of Mérida. SAH / Cancer
22.- Male 79 years old from Tizimín. SAH / COPD
23.- 61-year-old male from Ticul. HAS
24.- Male 59 years of Mérida. Rheumatoid arthritis
25.- 43-year-old male from Mérida. SAH / DM / Obesity
26.- 84-year-old female from Valladolid. HAS
27.- Male 66 years of Peto. HAS / DM
28.- Male 58 years old from Valladolid. HAS
29.- Male 65 years of Mérida. IRC / DM
30.- 47-year-old female from Baca. DM

Communication channels
- In the telephone line 800 YUCATÁN (800 982 2826) it is attended in Spanish and in Maya and is for the exclusive use of people who present symptoms of Covid 19.
- On the website information in Maya and Spanish it is also offered.
- WhatsApp chat on the number 999 200 8489 in Spanish and 9991 40 66 22 in the Maya language offers an automated diagnosis and, if necessary, contact the authorities and be treated for the symptoms of Coronavirus.
- The Health Chat is also in operation, via the Facebook social network.
- The Meditoc application is designed for the sole and exclusive use of those with symptoms of Coronavirus. It’s free and available for download in the Apple Store, for iPhone phones and iPad tablets, and in the Play Store, for devices with Android operating system.
Prevention measures
Likewise, they reiterated that among the basic preventive measures are washing hands frequently using soap and water or 70 percent alcohol-based gel solutions; when sneezing or coughing it is important to cover your nose or mouth with a tissue or with the inner corner of your arm; and if you are sick, do not leave home. Similarly, avoid direct contact with people who have cold or flu symptoms and do not self-medicate.
Source: Diario de Yucatan
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