YUCATAN, (August 18, 2021).- The Chablekal ejido obtains the green light for the process of expropriation of the archaeological zone of Dzibilchaltún by the Senate of the Republic, which they demanded for almost nine years.
The ejido had been pressuring the authorities to comply with the request for payment for the use of the 53 hectares destined for tourist exploitation since these belong to the Chablekal ejido.
The ejido’s commissioner, Manuel Abán Can, along with the ejido’s legal advisor Wilberth Saucedo, reported that this petition had already been presented to the INAH, but the latter ignored it.
Given the circumstances, the ejido took over the facilities of the Dzibilchaltún archaeological zone, as a way to pressure the authorities to initiate the expropriation process.
When they received no response, they sent a letter to the Senate, which was immediately responded saying that the problem will be brought before the chamber.
On August 11, they were summoned to the Senate, and the next day they were notified that they would urge the corresponding agencies with a maximum period of 30 days to give a resolution.
Today INAH staff entered the archaeological zone to delimit the corresponding 53 hectares.

Now they are only waiting for the response from the Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu), since they are in charge of giving a “green light” to the expropriation process, the advisor commented that if the request is appropriate, they will immediately uninstall their sit-in at the gates of the archaeological zone.
They also reported that the Senate exhorts in its writing that the state government must establish an agreement where the ejido benefits are explained, consisting of several renovations and implementations in the area, such as a camping area, handicraft area, as well as a parking lot.
Today they would meet with Governor Mauricio Vila to discuss this issue.
The INAH also offered an agreement for the ejido to benefit. They seek to create a committee for the use of the area.
Source: Yucatan ahora
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