On tour in the state of Coahuila, the president complained about the protections that hold back his works, projects or policies. Most political analysts coincide in saying that AMLO is not happy with anything that goes against his plan, even if it is uncosntitutional.
MEXICO, (August 16, 2021).- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador accused the Judiciary of “being rotten” and having an “ultra-conservative mentality” in the face of the protections that are holding back some of the political projects and works of Morena.
“Unfortunately the judiciary is rotten, there are honorable expressions not to generalize, but judges, magistrates, ministers, are at the service of vested interest groups and have a very conservative, an ultra-conservative mentality,” AMLO said.
The president made these statements on a tour in the La Laguna region, in the states of Coahuila and Durango, where his government intends to build a new dam to make water drinkable and distribute it to nine municipalities.
But the project, called “Healthy Water for La Laguna”, is being stopped by the opposition of environmentalists and inhabitants of the region, who have filed appeals to stop the construction.
“If the protection has already started, then we will not be able to finish the work. Do you think that I am going to trust the Judiciary? I’m too old to suck my thumb” (Mexican expression to say that someone is not naive), he complained.
This is not the first time the president attacks the Judicial Power, he has previously questioned the “corrupt” magistrates of the Mexico Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) and the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judicial Power (TEPJF).
“If we had a reliable Judicial Power, I would say no problem, we go to litigation, we are going to show that there are no affectations, but we do not have one” AMLO said on Sunday, Auguat 15th.
Agua Saludable para La Laguna, desde Lerdo, Durango. https://t.co/viUO284QLF
— Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_) August 15, 2021
Source: El Financiero
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