TIZIMÍN, YUC., (July 05, 2021).- In support of the Yucatecan families that depend on agriculture, the State Government began the distribution of about 120 tons of corn seeds, which will allow the sowing of more than 5,900 hectares of crops for self-consumption in favor of thousands of agricultural producers and their families from 25 municipalities in Yucatán.
As part of his work tour through these districts, the state governor, Mauricio Vila Dosal, visited the rural communities of Popolnah, Chan Tres Reyes, El Álamo, El Eden, Felipe Carrillo Puerto 1, and San José Montecristo in the municipality of Tizimín, where he delivered corn seeds to farmers.
With this action, farmers will be able to improve their quality of life, which is the objective of the Ministry of Rural Development.

Likewise, the head of the Rural Development Secretariat said that the state has land for cultivation and plowing, as in the south as well as part of the east of the state, adding that there are some stony areas and others that are irregular, however, under these conditions, the seed that we are delivering has an excellent performance, for this reason, at the request of the farmers, these seeds are granted to rescue the cultivation of the Maya cornfield.
After this, the state official went to the Chan Cenote community, also in Tizimín, where he met with the representative of the small producers, Vicente Tah Uitzil, to bring the support that will also help the inhabitants of San Andrés and Tras Corral communities.

There, Tah Uitzil highlighted the importance of this support from the state administration, as it will be a strong boost for agricultural production in the state.
“With this help that we are receiving, we will sow hope in this agricultural cycle that will generate the opportunity to obtain better production, as well as greater income for our families,” said the producer.
Later, the head of the Seder went to Espita municipality, to visit the Commissariat Ejidal and the community of Nacuché, where he granted a total of 500 packages of corn seeds, benefiting the same number of producers and hectares.