Kinchil, Yucatan; July 05, 2021 (ACOM) .- In a routine inspection by personnel of the State Health Secretariat with the support of state and municipal police, two canteens in the town of Kinchil were closed down for failing to comply with the sanitary measures required to operate.
The convoy began operations at three o’clock in the afternoon and proceeded to temporarily suspend the tavern “El Venado”, located on Calle 18 between 13 and 15, and then they did the same at the bar “7 Copas”, on Calle 20 between 21 and 23.

As reported, among the faults committed by those in charge of these businesses were exceeding the allowed capacity of clients, tables without the required distance between one another, as well as lack of hygiene protocols, such as temperature measurement and antibacterial gel.

The customers had no choice but to leave their beers, to retire for good. Even a beer outlet on the way out to Tetiz was temporarily suspended.