Home Feature Mexican Softball players apologize: “We had no intention of disrespecting our country”

Mexican Softball players apologize: “We had no intention of disrespecting our country”

by Yucatan Times
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MEXICO, (July 31, 2021).- Several players of the Mexican softball team at the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020, responded to the criticism after the controversy over the uniforms found in trash cans in the Olympic Village.

Dallas Escobedo, Anissa Urtez, and Danielle O’Toole Trejo published a message in English and Spanish on their Instagram accounts in which they expressed their apologies for what happened, although they did not make it very clear why the sports equipment was found in the trash.

“We are sorry that the actions of our team have caused such disappointment to our supporters and Olympic fans across the country.

We are proud to wear the colors of Mexico and give hope and inspiration to the young people of Mexican descent. We had no intention of disrespecting our country or our flag. We had no intention of ignoring what it means to be in the Olympics.

We take home all of our game uniforms, embroidered clothing, and softball gear – which we could fit in a single suitcase as required. We understand that this is no excuse to give the impression of contempt for such a historic event. We will work to do better and be the best ”.

Members of Mexico’s Olympic Softball Team

The message generated numerous comments, many demanding an explanation about the uniforms found in the garbage dump, and others highlighting their participation in the Olympic Games.

At the time of writing this note, the players were traveling back to Mexico from Japan, therefore their public position on the controversy has yet to be known.

Players would not represent Mexico again

For its part, the Mexican Softball Federation affirmed through social networks that they will investigate the case and find evidence that proves that the uniforms were thrown away, and added that these players will no longer be able to participate in the official Mexican teams.

Source: Sipse

TYT Newsroom

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