MERIDA, Yucatán, (July 01, 2021).- All patients in the IMSS who are diagnosed with coronavirus Covid-19, which can remain isolated at home without hospitalization, receive from the Mexican Social Security Institute a kit of basic care for their health care at home.
First of all, it is recommended that the patient does not leave home to better safeguard their health, but also to avoid causing more possible infections. Of course, you have to have strict hygiene and isolation measures with the family.
According to the information provided by the Mexican Institute of Social Security, the kit is delivered to patients after evaluation by specialists in the Respiratory Care Modules, located in the Family Medicine Units (UMF).
When it is confirmed that the patient suffers from Covid-19, but can stay at home, they are given recommendations for home care so that their health status is not complicated and avoid contagion from other people living in the home.
Something very important is that they are given clear and complete information on warning signs to go immediately to the emergency service.
Each person confirmed with the disease who returns home to remain in quarantine takes a kit containing medications, a pulse oximeter, a brochure on home care, and even face masks.

Regarding the oximeters, these are granted through a voucher, which is returned to the patient or family member at the time of returning the oximeter when the treatment and surveillance ends.
Likewise, it was explained that the IMSS continues the remote care of patients, through telephone calls by family doctors, who provide timely care and follow-up for the duration of the treatment.
It should be mentioned that if you have symptoms of possible Covid-19, go immediately to the corresponding IMSS clinic, but remember that you must wear a mandatory mask, you must prioritize constant handwashing with soap and water, use of 70 percent alcohol-based gel, and privilege the healthy distance.
Source: Sipse