Home NewsPeninsulaMerida Announcement of extended opening hours for restaurants in Yucatán

Announcement of extended opening hours for restaurants in Yucatán

by Yucatan Times
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MÉRIDA, MX.- The demands made by the restaurant sector in Yucatán to extend their opening hours even though they are in an orange epidemiological traffic light, had an effect since they will be able to offer their services until 11:00 at night, that is, they will have one to two hours more than they had until now.

The new hours that could benefit restaurant owners in Yucatan will be previously approved by the Committee of Experts in Public Health since the State Government has first instructed that the new measures be implemented as long as the coronavirus pandemic permits.

Once the restaurant sector is able to comply with these new hours, Extraordinary Mobility Permits will be issued so that vehicles and duly identified personnel may circulate after 11:30 p.m., since the mobility restriction remains in place.

Likewise, it was also announced that the seating capacity at restaurant tables will be increased from six to eight people.

One of the reasons why they asked to close later is because there are restaurants that continue with dinner, but since there are restrictions on mobility it is not possible to provide this service.

Canirac Yucatán has some 13,500 affiliated restaurants, and as of the end of March of this year, at least 2,700 had to close, causing the unemployment of more than 10,900 people.

TYT Newsroom

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