Merida Yucatan; June 23, 2021 (ACOM).- Yucatán will have a total of ten federal representatives in the LXV legislature that will take office next September, according to a list released by the country’s capital media based on the Electoral Results Program Preliminaries (PREP) and the list of multinominal presented by each political force before the National Electoral Institute (INE).
The National Action Party (PAN) would have five representatives in the figures of Sergio Enrique Chalé Cauich, Rommel Pacheco Marrufo and Cecilia Patrón Laviada, who achieved victory in districts I, III, and IV, as well as Elías Lixa Abimerhi and Kathia Bolio Pinelo, that would enter through promotional representation.
The Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM) would be the second political force with the largest number of federal legislators in Yucatán, after leading the coalition “Together we will make history” together with Morena and the Labor Party (PT), which resulted in two electoral victories, in districts II with Mario Xavier Peraza Ramírez and in district V with Carmen Navarrete Navarro.
For her part, Rocío Natali Barrera Puc, who was a councilor of the Tizimín City Council, would be a representative for the Morena party.
Another political party that will have a legislator will be Movimiento Ciudadano, with former governor Ivonne Ortega Pacheco. Ortega Pacheco was a member of the PRI for many years, but she recently “jumped” to Movimiento Ciudadano.
Finally, Pablo Gamboa Miner, from the PRI, would complete the list, who despite losing in District III, was awarded a seat in San Lázaro for the next three years as a “Plurinominal”.