“Young people do not want to be vaccinated”, says Governor Vila Dosal

Photo: (Yucatán a la mano)

Mérida, Yucatán, (June 30, 2021).- Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal said that as the age ranges for vaccination decrease, “we have observed a slight decrease in the percentage of people who are being vaccinated.” While the vast majority of adults aged 60 and over were vaccinated, those aged 50 to 59 were slightly fewer and adults aged 40 to 49 attended less than those aged 50 to 59.

Vila Dosal also reported that the application of the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine to people between 50 and 59 years of age has already been completed in the 106 municipalities of Yucatán. In addition, in 19 municipalities, Yucatecans of this age range have completed their vaccination schedule (including Merida).

Accompanied by the head of the Yucatan Health Secretariat (SSY), Mauricio Sauri Vivas, Vila Dosal explained that the municipalities in which people from this sector of the population have completed their vaccination scheme are: Buctzotz, Dzilam de Bravo, Ixil, Kanasín, Kaua, Kopomá, Mama, Mayapán, Mérida, Progreso, Quintana Roo, Sinanché, Suma, Tekal de Venegas, Tepakán, Tizimín, Umán, Valladolid, Xocchel.

Within the framework of the beginning of the application of the first dose to people aged 40 to 49, which began in the municipalities of Chemax, Acanceh, Akil, Baca, Buctzotz, Cacalchén, Celestún, Cenotillo, Conkal, Chacsinkín, Chankom, Oxkutzcab, and Progreso, Vila Dosal indicated that yesterday concluded the application of a total of 84,968 vaccines corresponding to the second dose to adults from 50 to 59 years in the city of Mérida.

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