Maxcanú, Yucatán, (June 24, 2021).- The warm climate of Yucatán is ideal to enjoy drinking something cold and filling your palate with flavor by quenching your thirst. Faced with this need, Yucatecan Champolas are an appetizing delicacy that is made from milk and natural fruit turned into ice cream.
With this delicious preparation a tradition arises in Maxcanú, where three generations continue with an artisan ice cream parlor which was founded by Mr. José Dolores Moo Baas, as recounted by his grandson Carlos Moo:
“It all started with my grandfather, Mr. José Dolores Moo Baas here in Maxcanú in 1940, generally many have known him as Don Cheto. The name for the Champolas was Don CHETO. And when people told him that he was bringing a “box full of surprises”, hence the name of the ice cream shop “La Sorpresa” was born.

With pride, Carlos states that he is the third generation of ice cream makers with the essential base of the rich coconut flavor: “Currently we are the third generation making this product, having as base the coconut concentrate with which we can make coconut smoothies, Champolas, and coconut ice cream, for me, it is a pride to belong to the town of Maxcanú and also carry the name of my Grandfather Cheto aloft “
After participating in several fairs and publicizing this ancestral artisan product, the fame of their products increased, as well as the orders, so they extended their sale to digital platforms such as Facebook since they distribute in Mérida and nearby towns.
You can savor the delicious multi-flavored Champolas and ice creams, by visiting the stand in downtown Maxcanu. The ice cream parlor is located on 17th street # 95, and you can check out their delicious flavors through their social networks “La Sorpresa” ice creams, you will want to try all their delicious combinations, Proudly Yucatecan artisan ice creams.