Suicides increase 20% in Yucatan, 23 cases were registered during May

Photo: (Yucatàn ahora)

Mèrida, Yucatan, (June 02, 2021) .- During the first five months of the year, 106 suicides were registered in the State, with an increase of about 20 percent, compared to the same period in 2020.

Even among the most shocking of this wave of suicides is the doctor who took her own life in the Tahdziú Health Center, Yucatàn municipality, as well as a 50-year-old man who committed suicide using a machete.

According to the information provided by the Yucatan Health Secretariat (SSY) and the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE), in the first five months of the year, a total of 106 suicides have been registered, incidents registered in 32 municipalities of Yucatàn.

Likewise, on average, two cases were registered every three days, and out of every 10 people who have decided to commit suicide, nine opted for hanging. Regarding gender, out of every five people who lost their lives, one was a woman.

There are 106 cases registered during the first five months of the year, 20 in January; 18 in February; 25 in March; 20 in April; and 23 cases in the month of May.

The increase is 20.45 percent over the same period last year, when the sum was 88.

So far, there are two cases of suicide that have occurred inside a public jail, specifically, on January 18, in Tekal, Yucatàn municipality, where Faustino Mis Collí hanged himself with his clothes, and the case of Jesús Adán Argáez Cutz, 46 years old, who hanged himself with his belt on May 4, inside his cell of the Dzilam González prison.

While on April 27, Genaro V., 26 years old, hanged himself in the bathroom of the Merida prison.

Likewise, three people opted for drug intoxication, two men and one woman, of whom the one who most attracted attention was the guest of the Hotel San Patricio, located on Calle 57 between 52 and 54 of the Historic Center of Mérida, who suffered from depression.

There are even two cases of suicide with the use of a firearm, the first happened on March 10, when 17-year-old Cesar N. took his 16-caliber shotgun and shot himself inside a property, located on Calle 32 A between 43 and 45 of the Guadalupe neighborhood, in Hunucmá, Yucatàn; and the second was on May 18, 30-year-old Erick F.G.A., on Calle 53 and 66 of Xcanatún.

Based on the statistics provided, less than half of the people who took their own lives were originally from Mérida or resided in the Yucatecan capital.

That is, 42 are from Mérida, 39.6 percent, followed by Kanasín, with 12 cases, 11.3 percent; and Valladolid with 7 cases, representing 6.6 percent.

Four were from Hunucmá; three from Progreso and Ticul, respectively, and two from Acanceh, Buctzotz, Chemax, Izamal, Kinchil, Oxkutzcab, Tekax, Tizimín and Umán.

The rest of the people who committed suicide are from Akil, Chapab, Dzilam González, Espita, Halajó, Huhí, Kopomá, Mayapán, Motul, Muxupip, Río Lagartos, Tahdziú, Tahmek, Teabo, Tekal, Tepakán and Tetiz municipalities.

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