They affirm that the Tourism sector is temprarily affected by the change to yellow in the epidemiological traffic light.
Campeche, Camp., (June 12, 2021).- From January to the end of May 2021, about 60 thousand tourists have visited the State, as highlighted by the head of the Secretariat of Tourism (Sectur) of Campeche, Jorge Enrique Manos Esparragoza, when informing the shift to yellow at the epidemiological traffic light COVID-19 affected the sector, but there is confidence in the vaccination process for a speedy recovery.
He mentioned that the improvement in the sector has been gradual as many tourism service providers take Campeche into account as it is the first state to turn green at the epidemiological traffic light; In this sense, there are advances unlike in the same period but in 2020, when the pandemic was being intensively confronted.
He also pointed out that the Easter holidays and the beginning of the year have been helpful, but nothing compared to the years 2018 and 2019.
The head of Sectur explained that as Campeche is the headquarters of national and international events, it contributes to the recovery of the tourism sector as happened with the Seventh Edition of the Maya Rally 2021. In this case, different service providers, restaurant owners, hoteliers, travel agencies, tour operators, as well as vendors, and artisans benefited from the event.
The economic benefit was close to seven million pesos, considering the entrance to the archaeological zone of Edzná.
On the other hand, although there is an update on the opening of some borders such as in France, Spain, and Italy, it is mainly within the community of the European Union where it remains closed for some countries.
For this reason, the Secretary of Tourism of Campeche, Jorge Enrique Manos Esparragoza, is convinced to bet on national tourism, which represents a large number of visitors who can easily come to the State of Campeche as it is happening so far in 2021, especially regional tourists.