Home Headlines New record of Covid infections in Yucatán: 262 cases in just 24 hours, figure not seen since 2020

New record of Covid infections in Yucatán: 262 cases in just 24 hours, figure not seen since 2020

by Yucatan Times
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Mérida, Yucatán, (June 12, 2021) .- Today, in the State the daily contagion barrier of Covid-19 this year was exceeded, for the second consecutive day, by registering 262 confirmed cases in 24 hours, the highest figure in 319 days, says the Yucatan Health Secretariat (SSY).

Likewise, according to the Federal Ministry of Health, after the appearance of the lethal pathology of rapid transmission in the state, on 18 occasions there have been figures higher than 200 infected, and the one that occurred today is the fifth highest.

Due to the accelerated rise of infected, the highest figure was registered in 319 days, since on July 30, 2020, there were 377 infected, according to the statistics of the federation.

The daily record of contagion was registered on July 30, 2020, with 377 cases; on the 28th of the same month, 335 were confirmed; on July 29 of the same year they were 299 positive, and two days before they were 273 infected.

Until today, June is the only one in the thirteenth place, of 16 months, of incidence, when accounting for 2,236 infected, surpassing March, April and May 2020.

If this growth rate continues, tomorrow it could exceed the figure registered in November 2020 and March 2021.

According to experts, the pandemic could even last until April of next year.

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