Mérida, Yucatán, (June 19, 2021).- On behalf of the Yucatecans, Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal extended an invitation to Pope Francis to visit Yucatan, through a letter addressed to the Pontiff and which he delivered this day to Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, who is visiting in the state.
In the Governor’s Office of the Government Palace, Vila Dosal met with the Vatican Secretary of State, who tomorrow Saturday will lead the episcopal ordination of Monsignor Fermín Sosa Rodríguez, Yucatecan priest, who was appointed by Pope Francis as Apostolic Nuncio in Izamal in Papua, New Guinea.
“I would like, if you consider it well, to extend an invitation to visit Yucatán and be a witness, as I have been, of the faith and strength of Yucatecan society, which strives every day to get ahead, which never goes down the guard and who gives the best of himself for his land and his brothers and sisters ”, Vila Dosal says in the document.
On behalf of the Yucatecans, Vila Dosal also expresses in the text the pride and honor represented by the news of the responsibility conferred on Monsignor Fermín Sosa Rodríguez as Apostolic Nuncio in Papua New Guinea, since he is the first Yucatecan to be named as such.
This news comes at a very good time since the people of Yucatán require hope and courage to move forward. Well, last year, we not only suffered from the pandemic but also from natural disasters like we had never seen, which deeply marked the Yucatecans, as thousands of families lost everything they had except faith and hope, the Governor says in the letter.

In this sense, Vila Dosal reiterated his desire for the Pontiff to come to witness how, working together as one, the Yucatecans have put aside our differences to find, in solidarity, the strength we need to move forward.
Subsequently, the Governor and Cardinal Parolin moved to the Hall of History for the welcoming ceremony.
In his message, Vila Dosal pointed out that given the great anguish and pain that the Coronavirus pandemic has brought us, it is always comforting to have the humanistic, hopeful task, promoter of spiritual values and actions in favor of those most in need that characterizes the Catholic Church.
“Know that the Government and the people of Yucatán have a special appreciation for your work and we agree on this task of building the common good. Although the pandemic has been and is difficult, it is also true that it is the opportunity to demonstrate the best of humanity and of each one of us, “said the Governor.
Accompanied by the head of the General Secretariat of Government, María Fritz Sierra, the Governor reiterated that the Yucatecans are especially happy and proud of the great responsibility that Monsignor Fermín Sosa Rodríguez has been conferred as Apostolic Nuncio in Papua New Guinea, “ I do not think I am wrong if I say that it is the first time that a Yucatecan has received that appointment. “
“We know of his great preparation and spiritual values; and therefore, we have no doubt of the good results that he will achieve in his new assignment, for which we express our best wishes ”, Vila Dosal pointed out.

Finally, the Governor asked Cardinal Parolin to express his gratitude to his Holiness Pope Francis, through him, for this great gift for the Yucatecans.
Cardinal Pietro Parolin arrived shortly after 1 in the afternoon at the headquarters of the Executive, where he was received by the Secretary-General of the Government, María Fritz Sierra. Along with him, Monsignor Eric Soviguidi, Officer of the Secretary of State of His Holiness; Monsignor Roberto Lucchini, First Counselor of the Apostolic Nunciature in Mexico; Monsignor Nicolás Pedro Guidi, First Secretary of the Apostolic Nunciature in Mexico; Monsignor Angelo Accattino, Apostolic Nuncio in Bolivia; Monsignor Pedro Mena Díaz, Auxiliary Bishop of Yucatán; and Monsignor Emilio Carlos Berlié Belaunzarán, Archbishop Emeritus of Yucatán.