Mérida, Yucatán, (June 25, 2021).- Students and teachers of the “José Vasconcelos” indigenous preschool in Halacho municipality now have new chairs and tables that the State Government gave them, and it was announced that 70 million pesos will be invested to maintain the Yucatan schools during July and August so that they are ready for the return to face-to-face classes at the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year.
On a working tour of this municipality in the west of the territory, Vila Dosal reiterated that the priority of the State Government now is the safe return to classes in person, so the needs of school facilities will be addressed to ensure that they have basic electricity and water services, in addition to providing them with the necessary inputs to apply sanitary protocols.
“We are working so that this is a safe return to class for everyone so that they have what is necessary to apply the protocols and I am sure that we will achieve it by working as a team, so we ask for your support, and lead by example by behaving correctly the mask, promoting healthy distance and with the use of antibacterial gel ”, indicated Vila Dosal.
When speaking with the Governor, the director of the indigenous preschool “José Vasconcelos”, Victoria del Socorro Hoyos Castillo, thanked him for this strong support to improve the educational experience of students and teachers, since they have not received any piece of school furniture for 25 years.

Together with the host mayor, Rodolfo Castillo Huchim, Vila Dosal confirmed the delivery of a total of 958 new pieces of furniture for the benefit of the students of this and 13 other elementary schools belonging to the communities of San Mateo, Cepeda, Cuch Holoch, Dzidzibachí, Kancabchén, Santa María Acú, and Sihó, as well as the municipal seat of Halachado, municipality of Yucatán.
The delivery made this day is part of the 33,665 pieces, including chairs, tables, chairs with pallets and paint boards, which are distributed in support of 461 basic-level public schools in 82 municipalities of the state, through an investment of more than 23 million pesos, so that they are ready before the next return to face-to-face classes.
In the presence of the head of the Ministry of Social Development (Sedesol), Roger Torres Peniche, it was explained that among the 13 schools that benefited from Halachado, 11 indigenous education schools are being served with priority, which now has the opportunity to have a piece of new furniture benefiting a total of 1,165 students in this municipality.
“This furniture will be very useful when conditions allow the return to classes and improve the educational experience, giving priority to the schools that most required this support,” said the state official.
After his supervisory visit to this school campus, the Governor responded to requests for support from residents of the area.

Subsequently, the Governor verified the operation of the office belonging to the “Doctor 24/7” program of this municipality, which is part of the 105 modules established in each municipal seat to provide complementary medical care when the health centers end their working hours. More than 1,200 consultations have been provided in this office.