Mèrida, Yucatàn, (May 26, 2021).- The Federal Secretary of Tourism, Miguel Torruco Marqués, and the governor of Yucatán, Mauricio Vila Dosal, reported that the Tourism Tianguis will be taking place in Mérida from November 21 to 24, 2021, physically. According to a statement, they explained that the objective is to carry out a safe event.
Initially, the 45th edition of the Tianguis Turístico was going to be held physically in March 2020 in Yucatán but of course it was canceled due to the pandemic.
However, due to the Covid-19 epidemic, it had to be postponed and it was finally done in digital format in September, the first of its kind.
The decision to hold in-person the event in Mérida was postponed and last March it was said that it would be next September.
Boosting tourism, but taking care of health
Today, according to the bulletin, Torruco Marqués and Vila Dosal explained that the decision to move from September to November the 45th edition of this business meeting is the result of the search for the best option to carry out a successful face-to-face Tourist Tianguis.
“That it fulfills its main objective: to boost the promotion and commercialization of our different destinations, as well as its multiple products and services, taking maximum care of the health of both the participants and the local population.”
With this new date, there will be greater possibilities of assistance, based on the advances in vaccination against Covid-19 both in Mexico and in the world, “with which a greater attendance of international buyers will surely be achieved.”

Encouraging outlook for vaccines
Torruco Marqués affirmed that today the world is experiencing a more encouraging outlook, especially due to the application of vaccines against Covid-19, which advances every day.
He cited Spain as an example, where last week the International Tourism Fair (Fitur) was held.
With this, a clear message was sent to the world tourism sector that events of this magnitude can already be held, as long as the bio sanitary measures established by the authorities are respected, he explained.
“In the case of Mexico, the federal Tourism Secretariat and the government of Yucatán continue working to carry out the 45th edition of the Tianguis Turístico, which will take place in Mérida.”
Tianguis “strategic and different”
For his part, Vila Dosal pointed out that the Tianguis Turístico will be a successful, strategic and efficient event.
“According to the latest trends that we all expect, but above all, it will be the watershed of post-Covid-19 tourism recovery.”
“This is going to be a great moment for us, because it is going to give us a great opportunity to show all the great tourist attractions that Yucatan has and the new products that we are presenting,” he said.
He also indicated that an innovative and different Tourist Tianguis is being organized also due to the pandemic situation that is being experienced.
He assured that it will be carried out in biosafety conditions, following the protocols and sanitary measures to take care of the health of the Yucatecans and of those who will come to participate in this sample.
A Tianguis “free from Covid”
Torruco Marqués and Vila Dosal specified that, additionally, they are working on logistics that allow the event to be an area free of this disease.
They stressed that all preventive measures and protocols indicated by the World Health Organization and the Mexican Ministry of Health will be implemented.
They stressed that the priority will be biosanitary safety, therefore, a first measure will be that, without exception, the attendees must first perform an antigen test. When it is negative, they will be allowed access to the event.
Take a test, essential
They indicated that this test will be linked to the indentification badge and, if someone does not apply it or has a positive result, they will not be able to access the venue or the meetings related to the Tianguis.
In addition, through the official channels of the Tourist Tianguis, participants will be informed about the measures that will be carried out.