There is no better gift for children than love. Here you have five ways to prove it.
Mèrida, Yucatàn (May 12, 2021).- According to a brief and informal survey of adults of different ages and social conditions, “the happiest memories of your childhood” have more to do with family experiences and traditions, than with receiving material things. Why then do so many moms and dads break their heads when they have to give their children something? The best gift is not an object, but a parent who gives himself, the specialists explain. Here we present you with five great gifts you can give to your children.
1. Laughter
According to studies, laughing reduces the level of stress in hormones, strengthens defenses, helps mitigate physical pain, and promotes sociability, so let out loud laughter as much as you can, as a family and especially with your little one. “Children who develop in a climate of joy eventually get used to finding the funny angle of situations and celebrating the occurrences of others, which introduces them into a circle of positive feedback that shapes their personality,” emphasizes the psychologist Vanessa Fernández.

2. Caresses
Physical contact is a recognized attachment factor, but also an important stress reducer, even in the long term: a study that began more than two decades ago measuring the affection of almost 500 mothers towards their then babies, recently found that children of the more expressive and affectionate parents are now more confident, less anxious and better problem-solving adults than the offspring of more distant adults.
3. Independence
Not all parents are sufficiently aware that their primary mission is to make their children independent, which makes them impatient or overprotective. As soon as you can do it (always under your supervision, of course), allow your baby to eat with his little hands, sit alone, stand up, etcetera; only then can you grow not only in body but also in knowledge and independence.

4. Stimulation
Through a daily dose of stimulation, your baby will be able to acquire physical and intellectual skills, develop a willingness to constantly improve and have fun: place a sheet over your face and provoke him to find you; as soon as he crawls or walks, put cushions on the floor to avoid dangerous objects; and let your baby wander around. You can also challenge him/her through toys that, according to his age, may promote the development of some skill.

5. Your lap
Don’t skimp on opportunities to sit your baby on your lap. Mom’s lap is a unique place for him/her to receive your hugs after a fall or when feeling down or under the weather, it is also the best place to listen to a story, or just to relax.

Source: Padres e hijos