Tekax, Yucatan, (May 25, 2021).- Two weeks before the elections, Diego Ávila Romero, PAN-PRD candidate for mayor, seals the commitment to give a new image to the Municipal Market of Tekax, Yucatàn municipality, a work that will benefit tenants and customers and will become a tourist attraction in the city.
This proposal, which arises in the final stretch of the campaign, consists not only intervening the property but in rebuilding it, to offer modern, hygienic, and functional facilities, in a well-designed plan so as not to affect merchants and consumers.
“This project is part of Tekax’s economic reactivation process, which we have already started and which we will resume with more force in the next administration since one of our priorities is to improve the income of the different sectors,” says Diego Ávila.

“We will have a decent, more attractive market, with better services and we will do it with the help of tenants and street vendors so as not to affect their work while the works are carried out. It can be done by sections and we will offer alternate spaces so that they continue to market their products; the activities will not stop ”, he adds.
With information from: Reporteros Hoy