México Electoral Court says the ‘100 days of AMLO’s third year of Government’ report was illegal

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador during his conference at the National Palace. Photo: (Cuartoscuro)

Unanimously, the TEPJF magistrates agreed that it was an illicit act of personalized government propaganda.

Mèrida, Yucatàn, (May 28, 2021).- Even though our country is in a period of electoral campaigns, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) issued a report on the “First 100 days of the Third Year of Government”, for which he will receive a sanction, this was determined this Wednesday, May 26, by the Electoral Court of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF).

During a session via videoconference, the magistrates of the Superior Chamber of the court decreed that the president engaged in government propaganda. This in accordance with articles 41 and 134 of the Mexican Constitution.

On March 30th, when the president held the event “First 100 days of the Third Year of Government”, from the National Palace, the electoral process had already started in the country. In addition, the campaigns were taking place in six states.

For this reason, the Regional Specialized Chamber of the TEPJF must issue a sentence and sanction against President AMLO for this report.

PRD challenged the president’s report

According to the court, the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) was the one that challenged the presidential report. Upon which the Electoral Contentious Technical Unit of the Executive Secretariat of the National Electoral Institute (INE) admitted the complaint.

After the Regional Specialized Chamber of the TEPJF determined that the president had not carried out any infractions, the PRD requested that the procedure be reviewed on May 8th.

In the end, the TEPJF magistrates agreed that it was an illicit act of personalized government propaganda.

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