Mérida promotes programs to prevent and treat diabetes

Mérida, Yucatan. “At the Mérida City Council we focus on promoting programs and activities that allow access to better prevention services, care and control of diseases such as diabetes, which registers a high rate among Yucatecans and that, not being properly cared for, could even be fatal,” said Mayor candidate Renán Barrera Concha.

He indicated that to the health services offered in solidarity by the City Council to the population, through medical modules, the Municipal Center for Nutritional Care and Diabetes (Cemanud) of the DIF offers medical assistance to guarantee a better quality of life for people living with this disease.

—Diabetes is a condition that requires a healthy lifestyle for its control and that is one of Cemanud’s tasks: to offer the population with diabetes a reeducation of both food and physical activities and for emotional well-being, since all this as a whole favors well-being –he pointed out.

In this context, during this month of November, DIF Mérida through Cemanud will carry out a series of activities to commemorate World Diabetes Day (November 14) and which this year has the theme “Nursing and diabetes.”

—With these actions, we not only recognize those who suffer from this disease but also health professionals who become a great support for people, leading them to create awareness about this disease, its management, and prevention to improve their quality of life —he assured the Mayor.

He pointed out that, unlike in previous years, this time due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the activities will be carried out virtually through the ZOOM platform, which will allow to reach more people who are interested in knowing about the subject. .

—As City Council we are doing everything we can to adapt as much as possible to this new normal, we all need to have confidence and do our part to get ahead as well as possible so that Mérida stays on the right path to be a city of 10, ”he emphasized.

Additionally, and to further highlight this commemoration, on Saturday, November 14, the Monument to the Fatherland will be lit in blue, said act will be carried out virtually and will be broadcast on the Facebook page of DIF Mérida at 7:00 p.m.

It should be noted that through Cemanud, diabetic patients can also access medical consultations remotely, this as part of the new normal that the COVID-19 pandemic generated in the world.

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