COVID-19 cases in children and young people in Yucatán represent 5% of total infections

Photo: Yucatan a la mano

Mérida, Yucatán, (May 29, 2021).- Of the 39 thousand Covid infections that have been registered in Yucatán, only 3% belong to the population under 18 years of age.

The Federal Ministry of Health, reported through the epidemiological map of the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt), that 5 percent of the coronavirus infections registered in Yucatan correspond to minors, between 1 month and 18 years of age.

According to the data as of May 25th, the state had a record of 1,992 children, adolescents and young people infected with the dangerous virus.

The figures represent 5 percent of the total cases registered statewide, which is 39,065 positive cases so far during the pandemic.

This age group is the one with the lowest number of infections and deaths and the one with the fewest complications from the disease throughout the contingency. Of the 1,992 confirmed cases of the disease, only 111 of these have presented some complication for which they have been admitted to a hospital, which represents 5.5 percent; the other 94.5 percent recovered at home.

In this age range, only 12 deaths have been reported, which represents only .3 percent of Covid-related deaths in Yucatan.

In this context, the contagion rate among minors, compared to the total population of Yucatan in this age range, is barely .2 percent, since, according to data from the National Institute of Geography Statistics and Informatics (INEGI), the minor population of Yucatan is 708,848 people.

The figure is 15.5 times lower than the incidence of infections among the population whose ages range from 30 to 34 years of age and which represents the highest number of infections by Coronavirus in the state so far.

According to the Federal Ministry of Health, of the 39 thousand infections in Yucatan, 4,724 are between 30 and 34 years of age, being the group with the highest number of confirmed cases of the disease, which represents 12 percent of people who have become ill.

According to INEGI, there are 148,595 people among that age range, for which 3.1 of the people at that age have contracted the disease.

Last week, Mauricio Vila announced that face-to-face classes could return in August throughout the state, which is why the teaching staff was vaccinated; After this action, students made a protest to ask that they must be vaccinated for a safe return to the classroom, although, for the moment, the Federal Government does not contemplate the vaccination of minors.

On May 21, the Undersecretary of Public Health, Hugo López Gatell, indicated that minors are the group that has the least risk of presenting complications of the disease and many of them do not even have symptoms.

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