Conapred says it is urgent to eliminate the exclusion of LGBTI groups

Photo: (Yucatán al minuto)

Mérida, Yucatán, (May 18, 2021).- Within the framework of the National Day to Combat Homophobia, Lesbophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia, which was commemorated this Monday, May 17, the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (Conapred) made an energetic call to eliminate prejudices and exclusionary and discriminatory practices for reasons of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression of people.

They warned that it is a priority to sanction any aggression or murder that is linked to prejudice of any kind against people of the LGBT community and warned with concern that attitudes of rejection prevail among the population and the content that reproduces stereotypes in the current electoral contest contributes to a climate of aggression and violence.

In view of this, Conapred strongly requested the powers of the Union and the three levels of government, as well as the entities of the federal public administration and political parties to eradicate these behaviors and asked the competent authorities to guarantee fundamental rights such as the recognition of self-perceived gender identity, same-sex marriage without discrimination, and access to health and employment without phobias, among others.

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