Mèrida, Yucatàn, May 11, 2021 (SIPSE).- In total, there are four babies that were born on Monday, May 10th, in the hospitals of Yucatán, in what we can call a “special delivery” for these four mothers.
Health professionals covering guard at the Hospital Materno Infantil “Dr. Consuelo Vadillo Gutiérrez ” received the first baby on this Mother’s Day, at 12:17 am on Monday, May 10th.
It was a 2,885-kilogram girl who, along with her mother, Deysi del Rosario Canul Uicab, are in good condition, according to the director of the Miguel Ángel Laviada Mier y Terán Hospital.

Later, two children were born who also in optimal conditions: at 01:05 am, Karen Isabel García Hoil had her baby weighing 3,280, and at 03:44 am, Marisol Sánchez Coralia gave birth to a 3,035 boy.
For her part, the director of the General Hospital of Valladolid, Lorena Barradas Rodríguez, reported the arrival of Amelia Balam Balam’s son, 3,305 weight, at 00:49 am, who also was born in perfect health. This baby was the fourth one to be born on Mother’s Day in the Yucatan.
Source: Sipse