National Guard agents arrested for extortion in Cancun

EXTORSIONADORES CON UNIFORME: Detienen a agentes de la Guardia Nacional en Cancún al ser señalados por presunto intento de extorsión | Noticaribe Photo: (Noticaribe)

Cancun, Quintana Roo (April 17, 2021).- Three agents of the National Guard were arrested on Friday, April 16, by Quintana Roo State Police agents, they were charged with trying to extort a laboratory in Region 219, Cancun, Quintana Roo.

According to laboratory personnel, these federal police officers arrived in uniform in patrol car number 19117, they demanded the sum of 40 thousand pesos and this was not the first time they had come to collect the “fee.”

Instead of paying, the managers of the premises called 911, and members of the Benitio Juarez Municipal Police arrived on site.

Given the crossed accusations, the Quintana Roo Police agents chose to take the members of the National Guard, as well as the laboratory personnel, before the corresponding authority to clarify the situation.

The laboratory, therefore, was closed. Sources in the Quintana Roo Police have already confirmed these facts, as have the laboratory workers, but the National Guard has not yet spoken.

Source: Noticaribe

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