Mèrida, Yuc., (April 27, 2021).- Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal continues to promote the investment opportunities and competitive advantages that Yucatán offers as a tourist destination before directors and executives of hotel chains, cruise companies, investment firms, and federal authorities, within the framework of the World Council of Travel and Tourism (WTTC).
Vila Dosal met with the president and CEO of the hotel and resort company Hilton, Christopher J. Nassetta, to whom he presented the investment opportunities in tourism infrastructure available in Yucatan, especially in the interior of the state and the Yucatan coast.
At the meeting, the director showed his interest in the development of projects in the hacienda and boutique hotel segments, for which he requested information on the products and tourist spots offered by the state, as well as the attractions that each one has to offer.
Accompanied by the head of the Tourism Development Secretariat (Sefotur), Michelle Fridman, the Governor emphasized the potential of Yucatán and, in that sense, presented the series of fiscal incentives offered to investors who decide to develop infrastructure projects and tourist services in the interior of the state.

Likewise, Vila Dosal shared that, currently, in the state, there are more than 14,400 accommodation rooms of all categories, as this item has registered very favorable growth in recent years, even before the pandemic. And at the same time, the governor emphasized that they have worked on protocols and measures that protect the safety and health of those who visit the state.
Later, the Governor held a meeting with Greg O’Hara, founder, and managing partner at Grupo Certares, which is one of the largest investor groups specialized in tourism, who highlighted his interest in seeking financing opportunities to develop tourism projects in the state that provide social benefits, but at the same time generate economic benefits and employment for the Yucatecans.
Also, Vila Dosal raised the benefits that Yucatán offers for the development of new investments in tourist infrastructure, to which O’Hara said he was very interested in continuing to learn about beach destinations, haciendas, and cenotes in the state.
In the presence of the director of the Technical Secretariat of Sefotur, Raúl Paz Noriega, the Governor made a presentation of the strengths of the state and explained the reasons why Yucatán is the right place not only to visit for its imposing attractions, but also for invest in tourism.

Later, Vila Dosal spoke with Alex Zozaya, executive president of Apple Leisure Group, an important US tour operator company that brings together travel and hotels, with whom the areas of opportunity for investments were explored, but also discussed the possibility of expanding and promoting Yucatan tourist products in other destinations in the area where they offer their services so that the attractions of the state are included in the visitors’ tours and circuits.
Likewise, the Governor and Alex Zozaya addressed the activities of nature, adventure, culture, and archaeological tourism, as well as the 365 days campaign in Yucatán, promoted by Sefotur to encourage local and regional consumption as part of the economic recovery strategy of the state.
Within his agenda, the Governor also met with the Secretary of Tourism of the Government of Mexico, Miguel Torruco Marqués, to review the strategies and projects that contribute to promoting tourism in Yucatán, in order to continue reactivating the state’s economy and generating more jobs for the Yucatecans.