CDMX congress will prohibit tattoos and aesthetic piercings on pets

The Commission for the Preservation of the Environment, Climate Change, Ecological and Animal Protection of the local Congress approved an opinion that prohibits tattoos on the skin of animals for aesthetic or ornamental purposes, as well as the placement of earrings, piercings or piercings. Photo: (Cuartoscuro)

If the opinion is approved by the plenary session of the local Congress, people may report this type of abuse to the Ministry of Health, SSC and the Animal Care Agency.

MEXICO CITY (April 21, 2021) (EXCELSIOR).- Performing tattoos on the skin of animals for aesthetic or ornamental purposes is prohibited in Mexico City after the Commission for the Preservation of the Environment, Climate Change, Ecological and Animal Protection of the local Congress approved an opinion. 

In addition, the placement of earrings, piercings or piercings on animals is prohibited . 

The opinion was presented by the president of the commission, Teresa Ramos, who explained that if the opinion is approved next Thursday in the plenary session of the Congress of Mexico City, “everyone may report to the Secretaries of Health, Public Safety, the Agency Animal Care, the Prosecutor’s Office or the municipalities, this type of animal abuse to be punished”.

The opinion was approved unanimously in the commission and arose as a result of an initiative of the local representative of Morena, Esperanza Villalobos. 

This specifies that tattoos or rings that serve to identify an animal will be exempt from the prohibition, which must be placed, only through the supervision of a veterinarian.

Ramos explained that other cities such as New York have already reformed their laws to avoid tattoos and earrings in pets, since animals such as cats and dogs suffer physical pain with these procedures.

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