AMLO says the Electoral Court’s decision on Salgado and Morón is a “blow to democracy”

President López Obrador thundered against the INE and the Electoral Tribunal and warned that their decision is a blow to democracy.

MEXICO CITY, April 28, 2021, (FORBES).- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador considered that the withdrawal of the candidacies of Félix Salgado Macedonio Y Raúl Morón to the governorships of Guerrero and Michoacán respectively, is a “blow to democracy” by the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judicial Power (TEPJF).

In a press conference from the National Palace, the president affirmed that the advisers of the National Electoral Institute (INE) and the magistrates of the Court acted in an undemocratic manner due to their relationship with the old regime.

“I want to express that I consider an excess what the magistrates of the Electoral Tribunal approved yesterday, it is a blow against the incipient Mexican democracy,” launched the President.

“It is unfair, but also undemocratic, that is why I say that it was a blow to democracy, because democracy is respecting the will of the people, in democracy, it is the people who decide, it is the people who rule”.

In this sense, the head of the federal Executive called on the Guerrero and Michoacan society to act with serenity because this decision seeks to provoke and create confrontations that undermine the peace of the electoral process.

“We must accept the result, replace candidates and move on, but not fall into provocation and violence, but to continue fighting peacefully,” he said.

“Do not be discouraged and at the same time that you do not get excited, you have to act with a cool head even if you have a warm heart. In the fight for democracy, many obstacles have to be faced and it is necessary to learn to avoid harassment and provocation, ” he said.

On Tuesday, April 27th, the TEPJF magistrates endorsed the sanctions that the INE imposed on Salgado Macedonio and Morón by a majority, in both cases the candidacies were withdrawn, for not having submitted their pre-campaign expense reports.

Source: FORBES

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