Women’s answer to AMLO’s barricade

Activists painted the names of victims of femicide in Mexico, on the metal barrier placed by AMLO’s government in front “his residence” the National Palace.

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexico’s government has walled off the presidential palace with a 3-meter tall metallic barrier ahead of a planned women’s march on Monday to protest the rampant violence against women and the president’s support for a gubernatorial candidate accused of sexual abuse and rape.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has said that those calling on him to drop support for Salgado, a member of the ruling Morena party, are “politically motivated.”

During his tour of Campeche, Lopez Obrador assured that it is not out of fear or cowardice that the fence was placed around the National Palace but to protect it from possible damage during the feminist demonstration expected on March 8. As usual, he dismissed the women’s complaints and said that in the feminist movement “there is a lot of provocation, many people infiltrate who seek to cause damage.”

In a country where femicides rose nearly 130% between 2015 and 2020, critics said the decision to erect a 3-meter (10 feet) tall barrier around the National Palace is symptomatic of Lopez Obrador’s apathy toward the crisis of violence afflicting women. At least 939 women were victims of femicide last year in Mexico, according to official data.

“Mexico beautiful and beloved. Where the daughters come back in pieces. Where drug traffickers receive hugs and feminists are shot. Where rapists are governors. Where the National Palace is walled in order not to listen,” said Twitter user @analuzsaso.

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