Home Headlines This Saturday the phenomenon of light and shadow will be observed in the Kukulcán pyramid

This Saturday the phenomenon of light and shadow will be observed in the Kukulcán pyramid

by Yucatan Times
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Mérida, Yucatán, (March 19, 2021).- The change from winter to spring, known as the equinox, will occur in Yucatán this Saturday, March 20, at 3:38 am, but the “descent” of Kukulcán (feathered serpent) can already be observed in the Chichén Itzá pyramid. 

According to the Yucatecan astronomer Eddie Salazar Gamboa, the phenomenon can be observed since last Tuesday, March 16th. 

“There is evidence that as of March 16, the seven triangles of light can already be observed in the Chichén pyramid, and the last day on which they will be visible is March 27”, explained the academic from the Technological Institute of Merida (ITM). 

He stressed that this Saturday, March 20, in Chichén Itzá, the Sun will rise at 5:58 a.m. and will hide at 6:05 p.m. 

Edie Salazar said that in Mérida the Sun will appear four minutes after emerging at Chichén Itzá, and two minutes later it will appear at Maxcanú, where it crosses the 90th meridian.

Archaeological zone closed due to the pandemic

For a second consecutive year, the archaeological zone will be closed by determination of the INAH due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

Through a statement, the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) reported that, based on the general guideline for the mitigation and prevention of this disease in open spaces, “the Chichén Itzá Archaeological Monuments Zone will remain closed on 20, 21, and March 22 of this year ”, precisely anticipating crowds in this Covid_19 season.

Source: Sipse

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