Reform to the law on bicycle lanes is in effect.

Photo: (La Jornada Maya)

The amendment to the Regulation of the State Traffic and Road Law regarding bicycle lanes goes into effect. 

MERIDA Yucatan (Times Media Mexico) – In the midst of great controversy and accusations for and against the project, yesterday the State Government’s Official Gazette published decree 351/2021 signed by Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal, Secretary-General María Fritz Sierra, and Commander Luis Felipe Saidén Ojeda, head of the Secretariat of Public Security (SSP), which contains the reforms regarding the bicycle lane infrastructure.

Such decree brings obligations and rights of cyclists, establishes joint and several liabilities for underage cyclists, obligations of drivers, prohibitions to drivers, and the use and description of the cycling infrastructure.

It also includes rules for determining the right of way, prohibited places for parking, use of markings, and tables of infractions.

The publication begins by defining what a human-powered vehicle is, which can be bicycles, tricycles, skateboards, and scooters, as they are the ones that can make use of the cycling infrastructure. It prohibits bicyclists from riding on sidewalks and sidewalks, except for those under eight years of age.

They are also restricted from riding while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, riding in the opposite direction, riding with excess passengers, holding on to other moving vehicles, crossing the road in places other than those intended for that purpose, and not crossing diagonally at crosswalks.

Drivers of combustion, electric, hybrid or mixed vehicles are prohibited from parking on the cycling infrastructure, with the obligation always to respect pedestrians and cyclists. Likewise, they are prohibited from riding on bicycle lanes unless they can do so with the corresponding signage.

Cycling infrastructure is classified into cycle lanes, one-way cycle lanes, two-way cycle lanes, shared lanes, and exclusive lanes.

Infractions are divided into minor and serious, the former with penalties ranging from one to five UMA (as mentioned, each one is equivalent to 89.62 pesos), the first infraction of the year will be one UMA, the second in the same year will be three UMA, and the third will be five UMA.

Minor infractions include:

  • Obstructing the cycling infrastructure with any object.
  • Offering merchandise or services to the occupants of vehicles.
  • Handing out advertising.
  • Asking for economic assistance without the permission of the respective authorities.

Penalties will be from one to five UMA, in addition to the removal of the objects and persons. The second group of minor infractions considers six UMA fines for the first infraction of the year, seven for the second, and eight for the third. They would be applied for obstructing or circulating with combustion, electric, hybrid, or mixed vehicle on the cycling infrastructure, or parking it on the same.

Urban Plan Mobility in Merida
The decree that goes into effect today includes sanctions if not respecting the areas destined for bicycle lanes.

Amounts to be paid
The third group of minor infractions consists of fines of 13 UMA the first time of the year, 14 for the second, and 15 for the third. The causes would be driving without glasses, contact glasses, or any device when indicated in the permit or license to drive vehicles.

Retention and arrest
Penalties considered serious range from 16 UMAS for the first of the year, 17 for the second, and 18 for the third, in addition to the retention of the vehicle, for parking on the space of the cycling infrastructure or on the streets and avenues where the cycling infrastructure converges. Penalties also include the possibility of arrests for up to 36 hours.

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