Home Headlines Gay rights groups in Yucatán ask for support to make equal marriage a reality

Gay rights groups in Yucatán ask for support to make equal marriage a reality

by Yucatan Times
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Gay rights collective groups in Yucatan ask again for support so that equal marriage becomes legal, after the denials of the local congress.

Through social networks, different groups in Yucatan have asked volunteers to sign a petition to consider their proposals for the approval of marriage between people of the same sex.

“The PTFY Collective presented in April 2019 an injunction (Amparo in review 413/2020) against the Yucatan Congress for not approving the equal marriage initiative, as this is an unconstitutional decision following the move to ask the ministers Ana Margarita Ríos Farjat, Norma Lucía Piña, and Ministers Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena and Jorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo, to vote in favor of the presentation by Minister Juan Luis González Alcántara Carrancá ”, the petition reads,

Currently there are more than 11 thousand signatures that have been achieved in this petition, however, they still need the support of more citizens.

If you want to support this initiative and sign the petition, go to https://action.allout.org/.

“Local congresses like the one in Yucatán have denied rights and continue to treat same-sex couples as second-class citizens. Denying legal equal marriage by law, when it is no longer in the debate, violates the Federal Pact by contravening the determinations of this court.

It is expected that there will soon be a resolution on the issue related to this right since, in Yucatán, equal marriage remains illegal until now.

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