Canine honored for improving the mental health of thousands of people

Max, a Springer Spaniel, became the first pet to be awarded the Order of Animal Merit, granted by the PDSA, a British animal foundation, for “comforting and supporting thousands of people around the world” and “showing the positive effects of animals in mental health and well-being ”.

Max became famous on social media when his owner Kerry Irving, whom he helped out of severe depression after a car accident, created his Facebook page, which made thousands of people around the world wanting to meet him.

Trained as a therapy dog ​​has allowed Max to provide comfort during the Covid-19 pandemic and using its popularity, Max has been able to raise more than $ 420,000 USD for charity.

“I have met soldiers who served in Afghanistan who say they looked at Max’s page to remind them of home. I have also received messages from British Health Service personnel working on the front lines during the pandemic, who have found moments of Peace and escape with Max, ” Kerry Irving said.

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