Home NewsPeninsulaMerida Record breaking Cold streak in the Peninsula

Record breaking Cold streak in the Peninsula

by Yucatan Times
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According to UADY, there have not been this many “cold” days with temperatures below 30 degrees since 1998

MÉRIDA, YUCATÁN (Times Media Mexico) – It won’t be until tomorrow that thermometers will rise and the temperatures will be warmer, although the nights and early mornings will remain quite cool.

By Thursday, Jan. 21st, you will be able to enjoy sunny skies in the state.

For the time being, the mass of cold air will remain over the Yucatan Peninsula and encourage stable weather with no chance of rain. Temperatures will be warm during the day and cool at dawn; north-northeast winds of 15 to 25 kilometers per hour and gusts of up to 45 will occur in coastal areas.

The probability of precipitation in the state is very low: only 10 percent, but the sky will be partially cloudy.

Temperatures will be at a maximum of 28 and a minimum of 17 degrees Celsius, with 59 percent humidity and winds of 11 kilometers per hour.

In the state capital the forecast is a maximum of 28 and a minimum of 18 degrees Celsius.

For tomorrow, Tuesday, January 19th, isolated rainfall of 0.1 to 5.0 millimeters is expected, with wind gusts of 50 to 60 kilometers per hour. Maximum temperatures of 31 degrees Celsius and a minimum of 20 degrees Celsius are predicted for the whole state. In the city of Merida, the temperatures will be similar, with a humidity of 68 percent and winds of 18 kilometers per hour.

For Wednesday, January 20th, a partially cloudy sky is expected, with maximum temperatures of 31 degrees Celsius and a minimum of 18 degrees Celsius, a humidity level of 61 percent, winds of 16 kilometers per hour. In Merida, temperatures will be similar ranging from 31 to 18 degrees Celsius.

On Thursday there will be mostly sunny skies with a 10 percent chance of precipitation and 59 percent humidity. The forecast is isolated rainfall of up to 5.0 millimeters.

With a maximum temperature of 32 degrees Celsius and minimum of 18 degrees Celsius.

According to the Institutional Committee for the Attention of Extreme Meteorological Phenomena (Ciafeme) of the Autonomous University of Yucatan (Uady), with the cold morning of yesterday, the entity accumulated 9 sunrises with significantly low temperatures and 15 days with temperatures below 30 degrees Celsius, something not seen since 1998, at least.

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