The Austrian Lowy Institute ranked Mexico second to last in ranking 98 countries that have best managed the pandemic, surpassing only Brazil.
MEXICO CITY (apro) – Mexico is among the worst countries in the world in handling the coronavirus pandemic, which carried out a comparative study of how the governments of 98 countries have dealt with the contagion.
The study, released in Australia, states that New Zealand, Vietnam, and Taiwan top the list of nations that have best managed the coronavirus pandemic. In this analysis, Mexico is placed in the second to last place only behind Brazil.
In the ranking of the worst countries in the coronavirus management, Spain is in 78th place, Colombia 96th, Mexico 97th, and Brazil in the last position.
The United Kingdom also appears in 66th place and the United States in 94th place, China is excluded due to lack of data.
The report states that “no country emerged as the unanimous winner in the period under review,” noting that the severity of the pandemic has varied since the outbreak of the crisis, as well as the existence of structural factors such as population size or levels of economic development, differences in political systems, which appear to influence the management of the pandemic.
According to independent data from Johns Hopkins University, the report is published after more than 100 million cases of covid-19 were reported worldwide, with the United States, India, and Brazil as the countries with the most infections.
According to this latest report from Johns Hopkins University, the Latin American nations with the most infections are Colombia (more than 2 million), Argentina (about 1.9 million), and Mexico (about 1.8 million), which rank 11th, 12th, and 13th respectively worldwide.