Mexico accepts reduction of Pfizer vaccines and to allocate them to poor countries: AMLO

President López Obrador reported that his government accepted the UN call to reduce the number of Pfizer vaccines against the coronavirus to countries with contracts and to allocate those doses to poor nations.

( .- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported that his government agreed to reduce the intake of doses of the vaccine manufactured by the US pharmaceutical company Pfizer, so that poorer countries have greater access to she.

During the inauguration of the University for Wellbeing ‘Benito Juárez García’ in the municipality of Juan R. Escudero, in the state of Guerrero, the president explained:

Now in the world there is a controversy because the UN (United Nations Organization) has asked Pfizer to lower its deliveries to the countries in which it has a contract, such as our case, the European countries, so that dispose of a number of vaccines to the UN and that there is no hoarding, and that the UN also make these vaccines available to poorer countries ”, said the president

“We agreed with that, that they take us down and then replace what corresponds to us,” AMLO added.

According to the Mexican president, despite this situation, the government’s plan does not change, because it is already looking for other vaccines.

“Not just Pfizer. We are already in deals to start bringing in a vaccine called CanSino, from China; and a vaccine from a Russian laboratory, plus an AstraZeneca vaccine, from the University of Oxford. So we are going to have enough vaccines ”, he assured.

López Obrador added:

“But if we apply the vaccine, then we are going to have more authority and more right than those who receive the vaccine and do not apply it, they have it frozen, that is happening in some European countries.”

Then, he added, there are claims to the interior of each country, where there are state or provincial governments, or countries that are independent, where it is questioning that there are regions where it is applied to 100 and other regions where it has not been applied, that is frozen, inside there is that controversy.

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