Mérida, Yucatán .-The new Covid-19 testing service at the airport will be a kind of auxiliary or emergency service for those who forget to bring the certificate of not having the coronavirus, indicated the regional director of Héctor Navarrete Muñoz of Grupo Asur , concessionaire of the Merida air terminal.
Travelers going to the United States will be free to go to any clinic or hospital and present the certificate, but if they do not have it at the moment, the Covid laboratory at the airport will be able to perform the test and deliver the result and the certificate in a maximum of half an hour. The price of the test will be the same as in the health market, they informed.

“We have detected that many of those who travel to the United States bring a certificate from an authorized laboratory, such as the Merida Clinic, the document has to be recent, from one or two days before the trip,” Navarrete Muñoz recalled.
He also specified that the price of the laboratory study will be paid by the passenger and the results will be the responsibility of the laboratory. The installation of the laboratory is so that no one misses their trip because they know that there are travelers who forget this requirement, they do it at the last minute, and now they will have this facility so that they do not miss their flight, but they must present their reservation and arrive before the three hours required for international departures.
Now there is an interesting flow of travelers to the United States from Merida and for the moment only that country requires the Covid-19 certificate, for domestic flights it is not mandatory.